Elopement: Light and Darko

Posted by on December 15, 2015 in Los Osos Weddings | Comments Off on Elopement: Light and Darko

Elopement: Light and Darko

Some ceremonies are amazing because of the vows. Others knock your socks off because of the food. Still other ceremonies are mind blowing because of the venue. Brittany and Darko’s elopement elevated wedding photography to a new level creating jaw-dropping images that will never leave our minds.

Nestled, and I mean nestled in the mossy groves of Los Osos Nature Preserve, Brittany, Darko and their Officiant Ric, under the studied hand of photographer, Jonathan David brought, to life an almost mythical scene played out only the minds of Homer, Horace and Plutarch.


There, in the oak-fell-forest of the Valley of the Bears Brittany and Darko vowed to hold and keep one another forever; vows most certainly witnessed by fairies and dryads alike. In the words of E. E. Cummings, the words of their vows:

I carry your heart with me,

I carry it in my heart,

I am never without it,

Anywhere I go you go my dear;

Photos by www.jonathandavidstudios.com

Contact:  Ric@OliveTreeOfficiating.com 

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