Take the Cake (and toss it!)

Posted by on December 24, 2014 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Take the Cake (and toss it!)

Take the Cake (and toss it!)

Your wedding will not be cheap! I’m sorry. It’s just not possible. If you’re like 99% of couples you’ll need to cut some wedding-costs. Here are a few tips to save you some honeymoon-bucks just in the cake arena.

1. Wedding Cake-Cut

If no one has told you yet, most wedding cakes stink! You’ll pay a fortune for a flavorless, over frosted, calorie bomb and have nothing but love-handles to show for it. Consider passing on the official wedding cake and heading to your local big box store (i.e. COSTCO or SAM’s CLUB) to purchase multiple, cheaper and frequently more satisfying cakes. Like the rest of your wedding, you’ll save money if you can buy in bulk.

2. Groom, Bride,…baker?

Your friends and family are typically looking for ways to make your special day awesome. Consider, along with address-writing, bow tying and dress shopping, asking your wedding invitees to bake wedding cakes. Not one-hundred different cakes but 100 chocolate lave-cakes, or a few dozen karat cakes or even a couple thousand cupcakes. Let your loved ones do the labor while making memories.

3. No Cake is better than Bad Cake

It’s true, cake is kinda the go-to but there are other delectable wedding options that are also cheaper (and better). Try berries and cream. Serve them layered with whipped cream, in an attractive fountain glass. Try an off-color desert like “Dirt Cake:” ground Oreos, cream cheese-whipped topping, layered in a glass dish at each table, served family-style. How about a mixed truffle plate for every guests and an attractive “cake table” with multiple tiers of truffles near the head table.

4. The Non-Conformist

Appetizer receptions are increasingly popular and cost effective. With this mind-set, add in an additional course, featuring multiple-stations of homemade deserts. Have your bridesmaids create the menu and source it out to your friends and family.

5. O’l Favs

Ice cream sundays, banana splits, and chocolate Sundays bring back the nostalgia that’s just below the surface of every wedding. People want to associate the present good times with past memories. Why not feed those old memories with new experiences and old favorite sweet treats while passing on the overpriced wedding cake.


Contact: Ric Latendresse 

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